I'm a bit of a Namco enthusiast, and for years I've been interested in their first go at the amusement park industry with Wonder Eggs, a charming and strange high concept space revolving around the fictional L'apero Village, presided over by the goddess Elds. A decent amount has been written about the subject in English by more thorough writers than me so I won't go too far into it; if you're reading this you probably know all about it already.
What I'm here to talk about is this binder I found full of materials from the park, circa 1992-- likely not long after it was open!
This binder originated from a seemingly defunct company called Nelson Laboratories, based in LA; from the letters included, it looks like they'd solicit theme parks to ask if they wanted their consultation on how to run better? 🤔 in addition to their correspondence with Wonder Eggs, I also saw that they reached out to Universal Studios in Hollywood and were shot down haha.
In any case, Wonder Eggs apparently went for it and sent a roll of film to Nelson!
Unfortunately, while I'm pretty confident that no one has seen these photos since 1992, they still represent a frustratingly small slice of the park as a whole. you can see glimpses of a lot of things but they're rarely the focus, so there's a lot of "HEY LOOK iconic thing in the background!" lmao.
None of the paperwork in this binder had anything filled out/any notes
written, which makes me wonder if this consultation ever got off the
ground; if it did, I'd love to see the photos that go more in-depth into
the rides and infrastructure. anyway, lets get into it!
Considering these photos were taken specifically for Nelson Laboratories over thirty years ago, I strongly believe these don't yet exist online; it's my absolute pleasure to provide them for the Namco fans out there.
Check em all out below! 👇